Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Arif Mahmood, B.Sc., LL.B., JD

Arif Mahmood is an attorney licensed in Ontario, Illinois, Washington D.C.

Arif speaks and publishes in the area of international technology law and social media marketing. He speaks on social media topics at the American Bar Association as to media outlets such as FoxNews.com. With his scientific background Arif has been one of the first social media speakers to focus on the field of cognetics and develop services that teach how the latest psychology research is critical to new social media campaigns.

Posts by Arif Mahmood, B.Sc., LL.B., JD:

  • Podcast: Rev Up Your Social Media Strategy With Cognetics

  • June 3rd, 2013
    Listen Here: Arif Mahmood is a social media and technology attorney who advises businesses on social media and technology law and has been cited by the American Bar Association and FoxNews.com. As founder of Precedent [...]