Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Losing Your Friends: Vacancies of the Heart

Along life’s highway, you will befriend countless people from school, work, sports and church. Each person offers you different degrees of friendship. Some casual, some close and a few become best friends. Gym-rat friends encourage you. Work [...]

Your Cheerleaders the Chanteuses of Encouragement

Creative people need to isolate for a great part of their work, but it isn’t always a good practice. Sometimes you need to be in the graceful presence of another person to feel yourself in their reflection. Everyone needs cheerleaders. Assemble [...]

Dink and Dunk for Masterful Team

A great practice is about asking powerful questions. In my book Ask Power Questions: A Practical Guide to Help You Get What You Want in Business, Life and Friendship, I share my 17 Strategies to Help You Formulate Power Questions. One of a series, [...]

Podcast: Ancient Secrets of Manifesting Revealed

Listen Here: Ken Elliot is the author of the award winning book, Manifesting 123, and you don’t need #3. Learn simple steps to eliminate worry and manifest the desires of your life with Manifesting 123! Ancient Secrets of Manifesting [...]

Podcast: Dealing with the Loss of a Pet

Listen Here: Veterinarian Dr. Liz Fernandez is the author of the new book Sacred Gifts of a Short Life: Uncovering Wisdom of our Pets End of Life Journeys, and she offers us the silver lining that can be uncovered as we embrace the broken [...]

Know Your Team

You need at least one expert team to help you achieve your goals, and you may need many to reach success. Think about all the teams you have in place now. Your work, doctor’s office, grocery store, coffee shop all function as teams that serve [...]

Life Is Too Short: Get Off Your Cell Phone

During my youth, my dad took me fishing. My mom took me on bicycle rides. My dad shouldered me with a small daypack for hikes in the woods. He pointed out chattering squirrels. He helped me see my first deer. He pointed out a fox on a ridge. [...]

Four Personal Keys to Kick Off Your Year

It’s easy to kick off your year focusing on the big stuff you want to accomplish. You’ll find plenty of encouragement to make vast goals so you can attain great things, but as a coach I know that making big goals alone usually ends up [...]

When You Retire: Reinventing Yourself at Midlife

With a surprising number of boomers heading towards retirement, most are not ready to spend their days hitting the golf balls or playing bridge. Instead they are looking to the future with enthusiasm and gusto. Why? Because they know that now [...]

Along Our Life Path: Death Hides In The Bushes

At the age of 17 while driving home from baseball practice, my father’s best friend pulled me over in my Chevy clunker. He walked up to my window with a sad look on his face. “Frosty,” he said. “I’ve got some bad news for you…your [...]

Four Things to Consider When Taking a Risk in This New Year

You may have already begun taking the steps to see your New Year’s resolutions come to fruition. Perhaps you finally got around to joining that gym, or maybe you were able to confront a friend about something on your mind that’s [...]

What Sports Taught Me about My Business Plan and Yearly Goals

You’ve probably read plenty of headlines hawking that you need to plan your year wisely with success in mind. You’re told to make new resolutions that fix challenges, and you’ve heard the pumped up messages intended to inspire change [...]

The 2016 Yang Fire MonKey Book is Here

The 2016 Yang Fire Monkey…Year of Changeability and Unpredictability is now available for purchase. The book may be purchased at http://www.maryshurtleff.com, http://www.amazon.com/ or http://www.barnesandnoble.com. This year will prove [...]

Be Free In The Problem

Problems! Everybody experiences them. You might call “life challenges” your classroom for living. If you notice—every movie, play, sitcom, drama, thriller and adventure story features problems for the protagonist to face and overcome. [...]

Loneliness Is Merely an Attitude You Can Abolish Today!

Nobody — whether single, in a long-term committed relationship or anything in between — is completely immune from that often-painful feeling of loneliness. That is, however, until you can see it for what it is: an attitude that’s [...]

Your Destiny Sings In Your Ears At the Darnedest Times

Each time I stand up in front of an audience, I invite every person in the room to accept himself or herself unconditionally. “You are a one time miracle of the universe,” I boldly state. “Accept your height, weight, build, looks, hair, [...]

How To Empty Your Emotional Backpack When It Gets Too Heavy

Each winter I load my backpack up for mountaineering skiing to 10th Mountain Huts in the Rocky Mountains. I load survival gear to make sure I don’t die while I cross-country up to the top of 13,000-foot mountains at 40 below zero. In the summers, [...]

Do You Find a Way to Win or a Way to Lose? There May Be an Inner Browns Fan in All of Us

It’s not easy being a Browns Fan. We have endured a change of coach every 2 and a fraction years. The Browns have had 13 starting quarterbacks since 1999, 22 quarterbacks that have played in parts of games, and 3 different owners in 16 years. [...]

Podcast: Changing Your Life Despite Your Circumstances

Listen Here: Zelda Hayes is also known as LadyZee, author of Jezebels Last Dance: It’s Every Woman’s Story, which sets the stage of how trauma from childhood to adulthood play a huge part in the choices we make in love and life itself. Changing [...]

Podcast: Get It Together Girl

Listen Here: Karyn Beach is the host of the Get It Together Girl Podcast, where she celebrates women in their Fabulous 40s, Feisty 50s and encourages them to make their second act their best act. Get It Together Girl What is the Second [...]

Podcast: From Gloomy to ZESTY

Listen Here: Linda Babulic is a ZEST Expert and author of ZEST Your Life – A Taste of Inner Wisdom which offers the confidence and happiness building recipe that women everywhere have been waiting for. From one-on-one consults, to [...]

Podcast: How To Choose Happiness

Listen Here: Happiness Engineer and Gratitude Consultant Pas Simpson, specializes in helping people move out of their own way to follow their passion, define what success feels like to them, while building a lifetime of happiness. Pas is [...]

The Voluptuousness Of Living

“Everything is downhill from here, ‘cept what’s up…it’s all in your attitude.” Katie Lee, 95, Jerome, Arizona, singer, environmental activist. Long ago, before modern communications, before electric lights, before mobility—people [...]

LeBron Knows: Do You Know What You Need to be Successful?

In Game 5 of this season, LeBron tore the sleeves off of his jersey while on the court at Madison Square Garden. He knew what he needed to do to be successful. Kevin Love rolled up the sleeve of the jersey on his shooting arm. Perhaps the sleeves [...]

Speak Up About Something: Courage To Create Good In The World

Henry David Thoreau said, “The masses of men (and women) live lives of quiet desperation.” That equates to the fact that most people lack the courage or incentive to get involved with the great events of life within their communities, states [...]

How 21st Century Are You? Or Are You Stuck in the 80’s?

I loved my Daytimer. Perhaps you loved your Franklin planner. I was more efficient with my beloved Day-timer than I am with my Smart phone, smart as it is. Even though I could take out my Day-Timer and make an appointment faster than those at [...]

Success: Getting Out Of Your Own Way

Having worked with hundreds of successful people as well as those who find being stuck to be more comfortable, I offer seven ways to free your energies for success. I teach what has worked well for me over several decades. When you make a [...]

Podcast: From Talking Head To Super Star Presenter

Listen Here: International Opera Director & Presentation Skills Trainer, Elizabeth Bachman, helps business professionals, authors and speakers learn how to stand in their power, find their unique voices, attract exciting new customers [...]

Podcasts: How To Come Alive!

Listen Here: Eva Angvert Harren is a  Certified Integral Coach and Creator of The BEAM LiFE Process, which specializes in a Body Centered approach to Complete Wellness. She teaches people how to release internal blocks and move beyond conditioned [...]

Podcast: How To Be A Successful Thinker

Listen Here: Corey Jahnke is a high-performance coach, speaker and author of The Successful Thinker, a simple story that reveals the 7 Laws Of 21St Century Leadership and the strategies and tactics that Successful Thinkers use to create [...]

Women: The Ambassadors of Change

As women, change is second nature. It’s starts in the beginning. Sometimes before we even hit the double digits of age, barely finished playing with dolls, the transformation begins and suddenly why does my chest look different?  Wait, are [...]

Your Creative Mind: Unpredictable Collision of Thought and Circumstance

How do ideas strike you? When do they hit? Have you heard of the phrase, “Stroke of luck…flash of insight…eureka moment!” Creativity involves anticipation mingled with uncertainty. For the record, ideas grow out of your brain through [...]

Find a Safe Place to Dance

In your life, someone cheated you out of something. Another lied to you. Others gossiped about you. At some point, you suffered the loss of a friend, parent or spouse. Someone hammered you on the tennis court, chessboard or the boardroom. A [...]

Podcast: A Blind Man’s Guide To Success

Listen Here: Born into a family of carnival owners in Texas, Maxwell Ivey lost his sight at age 12. Having a natural gusto for life, Max graduated college and became heavily involved in the Eagle Scouts. He also worked in the family business [...]
Podcast: Life Is Meant To Be LIVED Not Endured

Podcast: Life Is Meant To Be LIVED Not Endured

Listen Here: Michael Jenet is the author of ASK: The Questions to Empower Your Life, which offers the final piece of the puzzle in how to get the most out of life. Life Is Meant To Be LIVED Not Endured Why are QUESTIONS the answer? Why [...]