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Brides-to-Be, Be Sure to Have Wedding Day “Shoes” That Help You Run!

leo battenhausen, annie jennings pr, jenningswireHave you, or any one you’ve known had those proverbial “Cold Feet” before their wedding day?

Well, research from Justin Lavner has revealed to LiveScience.com that those pedicured feet may need more than warmth, but rather running shoes.

Brides-to-Be are advised now to listen to that voice telling them that “something’s wrong here!”  Two hundred and thirty-two couples were followed for 4 years following their “nuptials” had an alarming divorce rate of 19 percent!  Who had the “doubts?”  The brides!  Eight percent of the couples divorced who did not experience “doubts,” and men, although more prone to freezing feet had significantly less to do with fizzled marriages.

The brides who “knew,” or at least “predicted” their marriage was a potential “mistake” were the winning losers.  The data reports “about 40 percent of women” spoke of big doubts about who they were marrying, and chose to ignore them as “everyone gets cold feet” before marriage and hoped that “as we progress with a home, children, and a cute little puppy, we will grow to love each other.”  Fale!  Co-author of this study warns not to “count on that” if you have apprehensions.

Marriage, as an institution, in the United States, is crumbling quickly.

Divorce has become more commonplace than ever before.  I call this “Disposable Marriage,” and there are many reasons for such a plague.  Sad as it is, much of it is due to narcissism (primarily in the males), lack of preparedness by the “younger” generation, unrealistic expectations of what successful marriages are made of, and extreme “I want it now” attitudes that have been nourished by declining values, poor socialization skills, lack of discipline or self-control, and “oh well!” beliefs.

Ladies, follow your gut feelings!

Mr. Right is worth waiting for, Do not panic if your friends or family are getting married before you, or if you’re receiving ridiculous pressure from your family!  You are in control.  Trust your instincts!  “If it seems too good to be true…..” well, you know the rest, and you’re right!

Stay in touch!  My next book will be a huge help in identifying narcissists building your self-esteem and confidence in you!

Keep those “sneakers” on when you’re heading to your wedding! If you need to run, RUN!