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How Do You Put JOY Into Your Life?

Happiness is not something you buy at the mall.

This comes from within yourself.

What dreams, desires, feelings or needs of your own have you pushed aside for others?

You own your life and as you travel down your pathway you can make choices.

The people you pick along the way can influence your life, but you still remain in control.  In other words, you, drive your own boat.

Reach for your every day thoughts that make you feel good and practice holding onto these thoughts.

If, for example, you had a bad day at work, don’t continue to tell this story over and over again, because it will not make you feel good.  Let go of thoughts that disturb you.

The more you get a hold of your thoughts, the greater control you will gain over your emotions.  Ever notice that some people shine a beam on what they really want in life and then have the belief to make it happen?

What about “being happy now”?  Happiness is an emotion.  When you focus your attention on feeling happy now, the rest seems to fall into place and you find yourself attracting new things in your life.  Trust me, when you do this you will find a smile on your face and a glow in your heart.  Be grateful for what you have in your life now.  Savor these things and when you have feelings of gratitude, you will change the feeling in your heart.  Just think what a heart bursting with gratitude can have on your mind and your body?

But above all, remember no matter what happens to any one of us, the only thing that really matters at the end of it is that our lives were filled with JOY!!

Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here.  Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.