Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
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How To Make And Find A Great Friend!

How To Make And Find A Great Friend!Friendship makes one a happy camper!

I truly believe that the essence of friendship is care and respect. It has nothing to do with money or how cute you are, or material things.  A true friend is always there for you, no matter what, in the good and not so good times. All of us can create better friendships with the following suggestions: FORGIVENESS is important, because all of us make mistakes. Instead of turning your back on a friend who hurt you, why not talk about the pain that it caused you. If this person is a real friend, he or she will apologize. RELIABILITY is the cornerstone of a good friendship. Knowing someone is there for you and always has your back is a major comfort. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A FRIEND, learn to be a friend. Giving what you want to get is the best way to show someone how to be your friend. JEALOUSY and envy will kill a friendship quickly. Learn to enjoy each other’s company with deep conversations without being judged is soul satisfying for both of you. Actually, this is some of the best therapy you can find and winds up being priceless.

Share and really listen to each other.

Remember, no one likes to listen all the time, sharing is the key word here. Independence is also important after all, your friend can not be with you all of the time. Most of the time old friends from the past are valued as we know how they will react to a variety of situations. Old friends are trusted and we feel connected. Good friendships make our everyday world so much richer! Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here. Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.


JenningsWire.com is an online feature magazine created by National Publicist, Annie Jennings, of the PR Firm specializing in providing publicity services and book promotion to  authors, speakers and experts. Annie’s firm offers the famous pay for placement publicity program as well the powerful radio talk show campaign that comes up a guarantee of performance, bookings on big radio talk shows in major cities as well as unlimited media training.