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How Do I Talk To Isabel?

Communication and intimacy.

You’ve heard the expression; it’s not what you say but how you say it!

How true and how profound.  Why is it so important to learn how to express our feelings, our emotions and our view on certain topics?

The secret to building amazing and solid loving relationships personally, in business and with family members.

The secret is in replacing the word “interesting” with the word “interested”

When you express the interested attitude towards the people you come in contact with you are holding the key to opening doors and build powerful and intimate relationships wherever you go.

How do I talk to Isabel is just a metaphor for recognizing that texting instead of calling is a great way to communicate but it will not always get you the right results. That voice at the end of the other line needs to be heard and so you too need an opportunity to let go and connect.

Relationships represent the blueprint to our lives at home, at work, at school and everywhere in between. Can you imagine yourself as an island; no connection, no support, no sharing, and definitely not loving.

Solid relationships reduce our stress level and elevate our happiness.

I shared my views on relationships with a very special person I’ve come to meet; Jeffrey Blount. He is an executive at NBC.

Growing up on a beautiful farm in Virginia, at a very young age, he learned the value and the beauty in relationships; family and friends and not to mention the soil and all that was produced out of love, care, giving and sharing.

I was moved by hearing his story, since I grew up in the city as an only child.

Jeffrey took his passion for relationships and the keen essence of relationships (especially when times are tough and we lose someone special in our lives) to a whole new and dynamic level.

He watched for many years his own daughter Julia as a teenager at the time building a powerful, solid and loyal relationship with her closest friend. The passage inspired Jeffrey to write a fictitious story based on the dearest and most meaningful lives the two girls shared as best friends. The book is “Hating Heidi Foster” a read you must make time for. I enjoyed each and every word in it. I could relate to value in each sentence representing one more pearl connected on an illuminating pearl chocker I so cherish.

Where would we be without relationships? People need people, just like Barbara Streisand sings in one of her most beautiful songs, and yes we are lucky to have them in our lives. I am happy that Jeffrey took time from his busy and responsible position and chose to devote his efforts, vision and passion to share with us how to link the heart and the soul and the energy into the meaning of relationships and take it to the heights of any skyscraper in the world.

We desire to hear the words; I love you, I care for you, and I am there for you as often as we can, but don’t forget to express them as you cross the bridges of your journey seeking happiness.

Read more posts by Ana Weber here. Ana is a blogger for JenningsWire.