Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Rachel Crawford

When Rachel Tenpenny Crawford’s twin daughters died in 2008 a few weeks after they were born, she was overwhelmed with grief. Discouraged by how little was available to comfort her hurting heart and support the healing process, she and her sister decided to create the first and only line of teas for emotional healing and well-being. Blended with adaptogen herbs that support the healing process emotionally and physically, Teamotions has transformed a simple cup of tea into a truly healing experience.

Posts by Rachel Crawford:

  • Podcast: Teas For Emotional Healing And Well-Being

  • June 18th, 2014
    Listen Here: Rachel Tenpenny Crawford is the Co-founder of TEAmotions, a revolutionary tea company dedicated to helping others foster and support both physical and emotional well-being. Teas for Emotional Healing and [...]