Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
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Suicide Is Not The Answer

We constantly hear in the news that somebody took their own life.

There are many different situations that get people to end their life. As a published author of a managing fear book and as a Layman, here are five reasons why suicide is not an option to your problems.

*If you are feeling suicidal, seek professional help immediately!*

1. Things change over time.

Regardless of your situation, things do not stay the same. You may feel very bad today, but it won’t last forever. Remember this fact:  Regardless of your current situation, everything changes over time. This includes your current situation. In my own life, I remind myself that nothing remains the same forever.

2. There are always other options… always.

You may feel lost and confused but the answers to your specific problems are out there. The key is that you have to find the answers. The answers to your problem will not come to you. As mentioned before, the first step in finding the solution to your problem is to seek help from a qualified professional.

3. You can’t predict the future.

You are fearful, confused and do not know where to turn. You think that there is no hope for you. When you are in this situation, I recommend that you  remember the 99% rule. The 99% rule states that that no one can predict the future with one hundred percent certainty. Even if the thing that you are afraid of does happen, there are circumstances and factors that you can’t predict which can be used to your advantage.

For instance, you miss the deadline for a project you have been working on for the last few months. Everything you feared is coming true. Suddenly, your boss comes to your office and tells you that the deadline is extended and that he forgot to tell you the day before. This unknown factor changes everything. We may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.

4. Focus on the facts of your situation and not your thoughts.

When people are depressed they rely on their fearful, depressing, and negative thoughts. That is a huge mistake. Your fearful thoughts are exaggerated and are not based on reality. When you are depressed, focus on the facts of your current situation and not on what you think. Do not assume anything regarding your current situation. Seek help from a professional immediately.

5. Go to the hospital immediately when it is that bad.

If things are so bad that you are unable to function, drop everything and go to your local hospital or crisis center immediately. The people there will take care of your situation right away.

No situation is hopeless. Your loved ones, friends, relatives, God, mental health counselors, priests, ministers, etc. are all good sources of help. They are all willing to help you and they can make a difference, but you must be willing to take advantage of this help. Regardless of your situation, take advantage of the help that is around you. Remember: Every problem has a solution. You just have to find it.

Read more posts by Stan Popovich here. Stan is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire.

JenningsWire.com is created by National Publicist, Annie Jennings of the NYC based PR Firm, Annie Jennings PR.  Annie Jennings PR specializes in marketing books for getting authors booked on radio talk show interviews, TV shows in major online and in high circulation magazines and newspapers. Annie also works with speaker and experts to build up powerful platforms of credibility and influence.