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Podcast: 365 Tarot Spreads, Unleash The Magic In Everyday Life

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365 Tarot Spreads, Unleash The Magic In Everyday LifeSasha Graham is a tarot teacher, author and reader in New York City. She is here today to discuss her newest book, 365 Tarot Spreads. She wants to tell us why reading tarot cards unleashes magic in everyday life. And how you can do this all by yourself.

365 Tarot Spreads, Unleash The Magic In Everyday Life

  • Are you saying people can and should read their own tarot cards?
  • Why is reading your own cards more helpful than going to see a psychic?
  • Why is it in anyone’s best interest to perform tarot spreads for themselves?
  • Why does reading tarot every day improve your life?
  • Why does tarot improve your love life, your financial situation or your career?

To learn more, visit Sasha online at Sashagraham.com, find her on twitter: https://twitter.com/Sashagraham You can order 365 Tarot Spreads on Amazon in paperback or for your Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/365-Tarot-Spreads-Revealing-Magic/dp/0738740381 .

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