Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
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Have Problems Turned Into Blessings For You?

Ever had your day start off pretty good and then something happens that turns your world upside down?

. . . Like delays, missed opportunities and major nuisances that can suddenly make your blood boil way past simmer?  Some of these problems happen to us all and just seem to pop up out of nowhere and we always think that this is the end of the world, but of course it is not. At times, when things happen it comes at the worst possible time.

Take a minute and appreciate that the problem could have been much worse. This may help you to accept and deal with the problem instead of sitting and simmering.

Trust that everything happens for a reason and that blessings can come in disguises. Most of the time, the problem you experienced taught you something and this probably made you stronger. Nothing wrong with that.

If you do happen to find a particular problem gifted you with a blessing, share with your friends. The more we openly recognize how we are so very fortunate, the happier and more content we will be.

Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here. Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.


The online feature magazine, JenningsWire.com, is created by National PR Firm, Annie Jennings PR that specializes in providing book promotion services to self-published and traditionally published authors. Annie Jennings PR books authors, speakers and experts on major high impact radio talk interview shows, on local, regionally syndicated and national TV shows and on influential online media outlets and in prestigious print magazines and newspapers across the country.