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Thinking: The Source of All Struggle

Thinking: The Source of All StruggleIt’s thinking that gets you in trouble.

It’s your thoughts that cause your stress. The habit of living in your left brain has you thinking that you’re going insane and your life is a mess!

There’s a very simple solution to end the struggle you feel. It’s the only thing in the world that’s not an illusion. It’s the only thing that’s real!

Begin NOW to go within, to go into the silence. That’s where bliss and Nirvana reside. Accept what is and simply abide.

Your answers lie within. When the thinking stops you’ll tune in. The truth is you’ll find Heaven inside when you stop resisting what is and let yourself ride the flow.


Just Be – You. Live In the present moment. That’s really all there is, you know.

Stop living in the past and future because neither one does exist. You cannot do anything yesterday at 1 AM nor can you do anything tomorrow at 2 PM because neither time exists. Only the present is real. You can only take action in the present moment.

Sure, you can make plans but you cannot execute any action except in the NOW.

Take note: You are not a human doing. You’re not even a human being. You are a Divine Spirit. Find your True Self to know thyself and reveal your life – the one worth seeing!

Hmm. How can you know thyself if thinking cannot make that reality happen?

Meditation will get you there. Meditation will take you where you are meant to be.

Close your eyes to finally see – and simply Be! No thoughts. Plug into the God energy that is you and permeates all creatures and everything, including the interspaces, in existence.

You know that experience. You call it, “Being in the flow.” Remember when you live in the present moment and ride the flow that you simply create with no thought at all. What you desire to produce flows out of you effortlessly. Intelligence, creativity and all genius come from Being not from thinking or figuring anything out.

Guess what. Life is meant to be that way all the time.

So how do you get into the flow and simply be?

No matter what is going on in your life, when you stop resisting all the strife and you silence your ego mind you will then find Peace! And isn’t that what you really want in life? Peace is more than happiness. Peace is beyond contentment

No words can describe the bliss you will know once you do this simple action.

So go now. Begin. Go NOW to discover your Wow. The fact is you only live in the NOW. Allow your vast know-how and your sparkling insights to become your delights.

Ah yes, I said it is simple to just be. Since humankind mostly lives in the left brain ego mind the task is not easy – until you learn how to meditate. For meditation is not about reducing stress or lowering your blood pressure. Nor is meditation meant to implant affirmations.

For thousands of years, ancient spiritual wisdom has thrived because of those who meditate and live in the now, the present, rather than in the illusion. Without thought your troubles fall away. As Deepak Chopra said, “You are not in the world. The world is in you.” 1

[1]The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions Of Your Life, Chopra, Deepak, Three Rivers Press, 2004

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The post is presented by the National Publicist, Annie Jennings of the NYC based PR Firm, Annie Jennings PR.  Annie Jennings PR specializes in marketing books for getting authors booked on radio talk show interviews, TV shows in major online and in high circulation magazines and newspapers. Annie also works with speaker and experts to build up powerful platforms of credibility and influence.