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Pleas From Crazy Town

How do you handle your emotions, when your schedule piles up all the stuff you have to do?

Can you remain cool, clear headed and focused on each task? If you find yourself, anxious, stressed or working with a headache, feeling the pressure from the stacks of your unmet obligations, you might want to look at the way you’re doing things.  Are you frantically searching for what’ll you’ll need next, leaving you falsely empowered by multitasking? When I do many tasks at once, I can feel productively on top of my work. However, it’s foolish to think I’m actually doing my best work, because truthfully I’m not, and I sell myself and others short on my true potential. This is like living in crazy town.

What’s the real reason we get upset when our daily life gets backed up?

We make excuses, rather than deal with things just the way they are. I can choose to be gentle with myself while still working hard, but at a pace that serves me. When I work in my natural rhythm things get done and I’m not feeling senseless.

One of my crazy pleas during summer is feeling I can’t be in my office taking care of business, because the weather is right to work on my award winning garden. It’s hard work to manage the care it needs, and the weather dictates my work schedule more that I want it to. But, this is one big excuse for not doing it in a way that helps me thrive.  I can find many ill felt defenses for not staying on my track. However, when I recognize I’m making more crazy pleas, I have the power to shift back into the rhythm that keeps me feeling good, while flowing through my work.

Looking out the window I’m staring down a few weeds, which will grow another 6 inches before I get to them, because I have articles to write, a book to edit and paintings that need attention. I feel at my best when I honor all of my activities in the most balanced way I can. Take a look at how you’re doing things. Are your pleas from crazy town making you feel a bit nuts?  Take a deep breath and get back in sync with your natural flow. You’ll feel great and get your work done, too!

Read more posts by Sandy Nelson, artist, creativity and life purpose coach, speaker and inspirational writer. Sandy blogs for JenningsWire.