Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Why You Shouldn’t Lose Hope In Dealing With Your Fears And Depression

I struggled with fear and anxiety for over 20 years and there many times I felt like giving up. There were times I was at the end of my rope and I did not know what to do. There were times that my fears, anxieties, and depression were so much [...]

How I Dealt With People Who Did Not Understand My Mental Health Issues

Friends and professionals. Throughout my 20 years of personal experience in dealing with fear and anxiety, I  had a challenging time in getting my friends to understand my  issues with fear, stress, and anxiety. Most of my friends and relatives [...]

Convincing A Person To Get Help For Their Mental Health Issues

Getting help. When I began my struggle with fear and anxiety, the first thing I did was to seek help from a mental health professional. I  realized that in order to deal with my fears effectively, I had to educate myself on the techniques that [...]

How I Dealt With My Persistent Fears & Anxieties

As the author of a book on managing fear, I have struggled with fear, anxiety, and stress for over 20 years. During this time, I have talked to various professionals in the counseling fields, read many books, and researched many ways on how [...]